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Any person age 16 and up MUST have and Ohio Fishing License before boarding.  


You can have a hard copy or a digital copy.



Message From the Captain

​A couple of helpful hints to all future Lake Erie fishermen.

Be sure to get a good nights sleep the day before trip.
Don’t eat to heavy in the early morning.
Do take a Dramamine 2 hours before the trip. Ginger capsules have been a proven aid in settling the stomach.
Also there is a prescription patch for behind the ear that is 100% effective.
Your good time on any boat will greatly improve if you are prepared.
We do not give refunds/reschedules for motion sickness.
Sunscreen, a hat, sunglasses, proper footwear are also part of your big day.
In early Spring/ Late Fall dress in layers.
Staying hydrated is very important on hot days. Bring plenty of your favorite Non-Alchohlic beverage.
Tell your Captain if you are having issues while out in the water so he or she can adjust your trip.
Moving slowly while trolling or drifting will be the usual triggers to motion sickness.

Hope the above hints will benefit you on your big day.

Thank you
Captain Brian

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